Alternatives have been working with young people at bonfire sites across the Greater Shankill for 7-8 years and have had an extremely positive response from the local community, bonfire organisers and young people in general. Alternatives focus at bonfire sites is to help create a safer environment for young people & residents and encourage responsible and respectful expression of culture. We also encourage the young people to explore positive cultural identity and understand the historical reasons why we have bonfires.
Having been engaging with organisers at a bonfire near Conway Street, it became clear that tyres had recently been dumped at the site. The bonfire organisers wanted to make it very clear that this bonfire is self-regulated and they don’t get funding from anyone for the bonfire. They themselves made the decision they wanted to have the tyres removed and asked Alternatives to help facilitate this process with relevant agencies. Quite simply they wanted to take responsibility for their own culture and make positive environmental and community decisions for the benefit for ALL. Belfast City Council has been contacted and all tyres are being removed. Respect to those involved for their positive decision. We hope that all bonfire organisers have a peaceful and safe 11th Night.
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